November 2019 Release Notes

Clinical Updates

POA and Family credentials added to the Assessments and Care Plan

Staff can now choose to add a resident’s POA or Family signature at the bottom of their assessments or care plan.

Engagement Updates

Name-Free ability for Caremerge Voice

Residents will no longer have to say the phrase “ask my community” before asking a question to their Alexa device through Caremerge Voice.

Click to call in the resident directory

Residents can now click on an email or phone number in the community engagement directory to make a call or send an email on the spot.

Upload a background image for Community Engagement announcements

Staff members can now upload a background image for Announcements, Kiosks, etc. via the Customize Community Sign feature. 

October 2019 Release Notes

Clinical Updates

Create Groups By Resident Room Number

Filter by a range of room numbers and select multiple residents at once to save time creating Groups

Updated Resident Transition Details For More Consistent Reporting

Report on where a resident is transitioning to and the reason for discharge as well as if they were admitted to the hospital and for how many nights

Suspend Tasks When Residents Are Out Of The Community

You can now select a start and end date to suspend all Tasks for a resident and get reporting on Completed, Unavailable, Declined, and Suspended Tasks

Engagement Updates:

Take Attendance Quickly With Groups

When taking attendance on desktop, you can now select all members in a group to track attendance faster 

Create Instant Event Flyers Directly Through Caremerge

Easily create flyers from your activities in Calendar Central by choosing from a library of templates or uploading your own custom design

Customize Empty Boxes On The Calendar Printout

Upload pictures and customize your font color/style in empty calendar boxes

Standard Community Sign Has A New Look

We’ve updated the design for the Events and Announcements signage to give you more choices on style and text format