February 2022 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Universal Search

Residents and staff can search for all announcements posted in Community Engagement using the search feature at the top of the menu. The universal search creates an overall more enhanced experience for users. 


The Resident and Staff directory on Community Engagement has been updated with a more improved design. The Directory also includes more sorting options to provide users with an easier way to search for residents or staff members. 


In the notifications area on Community Engagement, staff and residents can clear expired announcements and old notifications. 

Announcement Date Selection

In the announcements area of Community Engagement, users can select a specific date to view announcements.  A standard calendar will appear with the option to pick a certain month, date, and year providing users with an easier way to navigate to different day announcements. 

Past Due Check-In Emails

Notification emails can go to the task owner if the resident check-in is past due. This will provide the owner/staff member with the information needed on the resident/unit/time.

Event Attendees List 

When selecting an event on the Calendar area of Community Engagement, residents can now see who is registered for the specific event.

Clinical Updates

Vital Trends

In the vitals section of the resident’s profile, under the trending tab users can see weight gain or loss percentages for residents based on a selected time frame. 

Quality Measures 

Pfitzer COVID-19 Booster and Moderna COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations are now options for in the Quality Measures Module. 

COVID-19 Report 

In the Intelligence Reporting area, the COVID-19 report now includes a refusal status if a resident refused to take the vaccine. 

Core Product Updates

Communication Opt-Out

In the Intelligence Report area, under the staff section, the Broadcast Opted Out Users report will show which staff users have opted out of Broadcast messages. Staff with access to this report will be able to remove users from the opted-out list so they can receive broadcast messages again. 

Emma Naumann