June 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Broadcast improvements

Targeted Broadcast communication by selecting recipients from Groups

Added a generic message when a message is replied to in broadcast

Community Engagement Improvements

You can now attach a video link to any event in Community Engagement and have residents get push notifications to remind them when a live event is going to begin!

Caremerge Voice Updates

Voice now supports two residents in a unit that share an echo. Residents can link both accounts to their echo device to receive personalized feedback.

Clinical Updates

Task Updates

You can now create a task for all residents in the community.

eMAR Updates

Our monthly eMAR Printout now includes staff credentials next to their name for better documentation and compliance. 

The PRN medication section will now show discontinued medications in real-time for a more accurate reflection. 

Vitals Updates

A new field for “Respiratory Rate” has been added for simple tracking of resident’s breathing levels.  

Lauren McGuire