October 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Staff App for Android

We have released our new staff app for all Android devices! Download the app to quickly take attendance, message with family members, post announcements and more!

Broadcast: Family member groups

You can now send broadcast to specific family member groups (i.e independent living family members) through broadcast.

Community Engagement: Directory 2.0

Directory to include ALL residents, regardless of sign-up status.

Clinical Updates

POC App: Emergency Printouts

Print out emergency printouts directly from your Point of Care App!

Clinical Resident Profile Export

Use our new Clinical Resident Profile Export in the Intelligence section to pull a report on certain health information in the resident’s profile.

Add/hide ADL service tags

Create new service tags for ADL tasks and notes. You also now have the ability to hide certain ADL tags that you might not need.

September 2020 Release Notes

Clinical Updates

Intelligence – Clinical Resident Profile Export

Use the clinical resident profile export to pull clinical information from the residents profile.

Intelligence – Service Level Discrepancy Report

Use the service level discrepancy report to see which residents do not have an assigned service level.

Add ‘Groups’ Assignee option in the unscheduled tasks

Select certain staff groups as assignees for unscheduled tasks in the Tasks module.

Engagement Updates

CE: Directory 2.0

The CE Directory will now include all community residents, even those without registered accounts.

Staff App: Android

Staff App is now available for Android devices! Vastly Improved Workflows in an all-new native App.

July 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Intelligence Report: Family export

Easily pull a report of contact information for authorized family contacts! Now communities will be able to see which residents they do and do not have family contacts for.

Setting to Opt in/out of Broadcast 

Staff, Residents, and Family members can now have staff opt them in and out of Broadcast messages.

Family Engagement – Virtual Visits

“Video Link” support is now live on our FE apps for iOS and Android. Caregivers can find those supported links to video chat with their loved ones via FE appointments and CC events.

New TV View Design

Check out our new TV View URL in community engagement! It was designed to improve readability with larger images, larger fonts and removed end times.

August 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Community Engagement: Pinned Announcements

Any posted Announcements can now be “Pinned” in the Announcements feed, either as a “Pinned” Announcement or a VIP “Important” Announcement.

Intelligence: Broadcast and Family Announcement Report

Intelligence reports to allow administrators to see the who/what/where/when on any Broadcast or Family Announcement messages.

Community Engagement: Keep Users Signed In (Web only)

Residents will now be able to stay signed in to the CE website! Communities can adjust the time-frame that they wish residents to stay signed in, as well as the “inactivity” period length (which goes into effect after the sign-in period expires).

Clinical Updates

COVID-19 Quality Measure

Document results of COVID-19 Tests for all residents

Hiding Quarterlies

Add a new checkbox “ Hide Quarterly” in the Assessment Start Date dialog box

Resident Profile Export: new fields

Added new fields in the resident profile export report: Authorized Contacts, Diagnosis, Allergies, Insurance Info.

Add “Vitals” Triggers notifications in the Workflows module

Our Workflow module provides communities to create triggers within Caremerge to alert if there is a change in a resident’s care. Triggers for vital signs has been added.

June 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Broadcast improvements

Targeted Broadcast communication by selecting recipients from Groups

Added a generic message when a message is replied to in broadcast

Community Engagement Improvements

You can now attach a video link to any event in Community Engagement and have residents get push notifications to remind them when a live event is going to begin!

Caremerge Voice Updates

Voice now supports two residents in a unit that share an echo. Residents can link both accounts to their echo device to receive personalized feedback.

Clinical Updates

Task Updates

You can now create a task for all residents in the community.

eMAR Updates

Our monthly eMAR Printout now includes staff credentials next to their name for better documentation and compliance. 

The PRN medication section will now show discontinued medications in real-time for a more accurate reflection. 

Vitals Updates

A new field for “Respiratory Rate” has been added for simple tracking of resident’s breathing levels.  

May 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Product Updates

Caremerge Voice Supports 2-Person Account Linking

Caremerge Voice skill to support two residents in an apartment who share an Echo, in the cases where our skill should reply with information personalized to one or the other resident. 

Add subject line to broadcast messages

Increase Email open rates by adding custom Subject line to broadcast messages.

 Edit DoW and Meeting Places 

Staff can now fully configure Dimensions of Wellness and Meeting Places in Calendar Central print-out templates.

Directory: Units are now Searchable

In the CE Directory, users can now search by “unit.”

Clinical Product Updates

Physician Order Sheet

Staff now have the ability to print a physician order sheet directly in Caremerge

Adding Shift option in the tasks

Give users an ability to select shift from the drop down and it auto-populates the start time and end time.

Select all residents when creating tasks

Give users an ability to select “All Residents” when creating tasks.

Add “Vitals” Triggers notifications in the workflows module

Give communities an option to create “Vitals” Triggers notifications.

April 2020 Release Notes

Engagement Updates

Create Custom HIPAA Compliant Forms & Surveys

Create secure forms tailored to your specific needs and manage them all in one central location.  File surveys electronically to save on paper costs and storage space.

Simpler Navigation for Selecting Dates

 You can now select what date to view from a drop-down Calendar Picker and move in and out of Event Details without worrying about the calendar resetting.

Draw in Residents by Showcasing Attendance Number for Past Events

While in Event Details, residents can see a quick view of the total number of attendees for a past event. 

February 2020 Release Notes

Clinical Updates

Care Plans and Tasks

To help save you time and provide more consistent data, manually added notes in Care Plans will be carried forward to the corresponding Tasks

Incident Reporting

We’ve added designations for Investigation Assignee and Investigation Due Date to support your workflows on Incident Reporting

PRN Notifications

Never miss a PRN outcome again! POC app users will now get notification reminders for PRNs that are overdue and not documented.

Engagement Updates

Event Waiting List

Once an event has reached the max number of sign-ups, residents can now join a waiting list to ensure their place should someone drop out.

Resident App Settings

Residents are now empowered to turn on push or email notifications for updates and can save filters when viewing the Calendar.

Host An Event

To avoid scheduling conflicts, staff members can now enable/disable the ability for residents to “Host an Event”

Community Engagement Announcements

Save time by effortlessly uploading a PDF file to any Announcement!

We’ve also added a characters limit on the Announcements Title so it will no longer flow over and enhanced the ability to customize your Title by changing color, font-size, etc

January 2020 Release Notes

Clinical Updates

Notifications Reminder for PRN Outcome Time Not Documented

Staff can now receive notification reminders when a PRN outcome is due, but has not been documented.

Engagement Updates

Customize Birthday Announcements on Voice

As part of the Daily Briefing or Caremerge Voice run-down, resident birthdays are announced. Now staff have the ability to turn off a resident’s birthday announcement if they would not like to share their birthday.

Upload PDFs to Announcements

Upload both images and PDFs to announcements on community engagement

Resident Waiting List

If there is a max sign up on an event, residents will now have the ability to join a waiting list

December 2019 Release Notes

Clinical Updates

Manually create tasks from the Care Plan

Staff can manually add notes into the care plans (ISS, ISP, RSP), which will repopulate tasks.

Two new options for incident reports: ‘Investigation Assignee and Investigation Due Date’

Staff can assign an investigator and an investigation due date when creating an incident report.

Create PRN Outcome Reminders

Staff can now create PRN Outcome reminders to notify you when an outcome is due. This reminder can be sent through email or SMS.

Engagement Updates

Push Notifications on Community Engagement

Resident can receive push notifications for new messages, new announcements and event updates.

Customizable announcement title

Staff can now style their announcement by changing the font, alignment, and style.

Family Android App Update 

POA Family members can now invite other family members to join and filter by their loved one’s appointments.